Dorn Selfhelp
The Dorn Method - Selfhelp exercises
A Yes to Self Responsibility and a No to Back Pain
The basic 4 DORN selfhelp exercises: Hip-Sacrum-Spine-Neck
» check out below: DORN spine & neck selfhelp exercises
» see also the other basic DORN selfhelp exercises: Hip & Sacrum
» see also: additional DORN selfhelp exercises
The DORN Method Self Help Exercises are designed to simulate and repeat the procedures and actions demonstrated by a DORN practitioner in a practical manual session and are the most important part of the DORN Method.
Although the DORN Selfhelp exercises cannot fully replace a practical manual DORN session they can and should be done, even without prior coaching in a practical session, to induce structural re-balancing and help to prevent spinal problems before they appear.
ยป In any case it is advised to see a health professional first before starting any exercise program!
General recommendations for the DORN Method selfhelp exercises:
To achieve the best results the exercises should be done regularly, best several times a day for the first two months following a practical DORN session, then at least once a day after that time for maintenance and prevention.
- Do not exercise after any injury following an accident and do not exercise if you experience fever, migraine or inflammations.
- The exercises must not cause any pain while doing them and it is best to repeat them more often than doing them too intensive.
- Do not hold your breath during the exercises.
- All exercises must be done balanced on both sides of the body regardless where the problem is!
- Get instructions how to do the DORN selfhelp exercises from a DORN practitioner or visit the DORN selfhelp webapp
This however should be accompanied by the prevention (avoid wrong movements) and maintenance (muscular treatments like deep neuro-muscular massage and correct muscle training, the 3 tools for Self Healing!
Although the DORN Method selfhelp exercises are very safe if done gently and in the correct way it can not be excluded that the body is reacting in unpredictable ways. The application of the DORN selfhelp exercises is under your own risk and responsibility.
The basic DORN selfhelp exercises: Spine-Neck
3. Spine exercise
Frequency: Several times daily recommended, minimum once a day!
How to do this exercise correctly:
Spine exercise: Lean / push yourself against the corner of a wall / doorframe / cabinet directly next to the middle of the Spine, feeling the pressure on the side of the spineous processes, and swing with both arms back and front alternate.
The leg on the opposite side is giving counter-pressure only during exhalation phase.
Change position downwards every 10 seconds to cover the whole back by bending the upper body downwards little by little..
Don't hold the breath and don't do if there is Pain.
Do this minimum 1 x day better more often.
Always do both sides of the spine.
4. Neck exercises:
Frequency: Several times daily recommended, minimum once a day!
How to do this exercises correctly:
DORN neck exercises C 2-7:
With the fingers in the groove between the neck muscles give a careful pressure towards the center and move the head side to side (No-No movement)
The head is straight or a little tilted backwards.
Start with the movement first before applying pressure during exhalation.
Stop pressure during inhalation but maintain position of the hand / fingers.
Move step by step downwards to cover the whoile neck area. Stay approx. 10 to 15 seconds in each position before changing.
When at lowest part of the neck direct the pressure a little more downwards and the center.
Time required: Approx. 1 Minute.
DORN neck exercises C 1 Atlas:
With the thumb at the transverse process of the Atlas = exactly below the mastoid process just behind the ear give a careful pressure towards the center and a little upwards and move the head side to side (No-No movement).
Repeat this exercise also with a nodding of the head (Yes-Yes movement)
The head is straight or a little tilted backwards.
Start with the movement first before applying pressure during exhalation.
Stop pressure during inhalation but maintain position of the hand / fingers.
Time required: Approx. 30 sec to 1 Minute.
DORN neck exercises C 2 Axis:
With the fingers in the groove between the neck muscles just below the occiput give a careful pressure towards the center and move the head side to side (No-No movement)
The head is straight or a little tilted backwards.
Start with the movement first before applying pressure during exhalation.
Stop pressure during inhalation but maintain position of the hand / fingers.
Time required: Approx. 30 sec to 1 Minute.
DORN neck exercises C 6 / 7:
Option 1: With the fingers next to the spinous process of C 6 / 7 give a careful pressure towards the center and move the head side to side (No-No movment) and swing the opposite arm front-back at the same time.
Time required: Approx. 30 sec to 1 Minute.
Option 2: With the fingers next to the spinous process of C 6 / 7 pull careful towards the center and move the head side to side (No-No movment) and swing the opposite arm front-back at the same time.
Time required: Approx. 30 sec to 1 Minute.
The new DORN selfhelp exercises webapp:
» Continue exploring the other basic DORN selfhelp exercises: Hip & Sacrum
» see also: additional DORN selfhelp exercises
» Continue exploring the DORN Method: How DORN works
» links to: Dorn controversy / Dorn and Childern / Dorn and Animals / Dorn and Meridians / Dorn connections spine-organs / Breuss massage / Dorn practitioner stuff / Dorn practitioner anantomy / Dorn products / Dorn code of ethics / about Thomas Zudrell
Recommended products:
Spynamics Sacro & Spine Aligners (click for more information)

» Continue exploring the DORN Method: How DORN works
New: DORN selfhelp exercises webapp
NOTE: Never try to use the DORN Method on other people without proper training best conducted by an authorized DORN Method Instructor. Although the DORN Method and the Self Help Exercises are very safe if done correctly, the DORN practitioner is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the application during the manual session and Selfhelp exercises. In any case it is advised to consult your doctor first because health problems and back pains may have other causes than misaligned joints and vertebrae and should be checked by a trained medical doctor or other healthcare professional. The DORN Method has certain Limitations that must be cleared prior to any practical application! Remember: The DORN Method is NO Replacement for any other form of medical or non-medical treatment but it can be a very effective complement in an integrative medical system.
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